Visits Abroad and International Events
The School holds the coveted International School Award granted by the British Council in 2017.
This award recognises our achievements in introducing an International programme for all students. During their time at Springwood everyone is expected to take part in foreign visits, exchanges and to be involved with our twinned schools.
There are annual exchanges and work experience placements with schools in France and Germany as well as a joint History and German trip to Berlin.
Ski trips to Austria, the successful Drama tour to Australia, a visit to Italy for our Geography and Classics students and a sports tour to Barcelona are recent highlights of our International programme.
However, Internationalism at Springwood is not simply about trips and exchanges. We try to broaden our students’ horizons by incorporating an element of Internationalism throughout the curriculum. Each summer, students achieve GCSE or A level passes in a wide range of languages. Through activities such as Super Learning days, Spelling Bee competitions and Chinese clubs, every student has the opportunity to develop an understanding that they are Citizens of the World.