Drama & Theatre Studies
"Drama is bizarre but that wonderful kind of bizarre! It's exciting, Interesting and fascinating beyond belief ..if you do not come out of an A Level Drama lesson feeling AWESOME then you have not done it right! “ 6th From Student |
An enjoyment of and an interest in Drama and Theatre both as a participant and as a member of an audience is essential for success at A Level.
You will extend your skills, knowledge and understanding encouraging life-long learning and providing access to related careers. You will also be encouraged to appreciate the significance of social, cultural, political and historical influences on theatre practice both past and present.
The specification combines the activities of exploring plays, creating theatre, performing plays, analysis of theatre, highly toned analytical and creative skills and an ability to communicate effectively with others.
The course is divided into four components. Component 11/12, Component 21, Component 31 and Component 41-48.
Entry Requirement
A minimum of grade 4 in Maths and English Lang plus at least 3 other GCSEs at grade 5
Subject Specific Requirements
Grade 5 at GCSE or merit at Level 2 BTEC Performing Arts. Workshop Audition for students with no GCSE experience. Grade 5 English.
Component 11/12 - Practitioners in practice (40% of the qualification)
Students will develop their creative and explanatory skills to develop an original performance text using two influential practitioners. A portfolio and research report will be submitted. This unit is internally assessed.
Component 21 - Exploring and performing texts (20% of the qualification)
Students will perform a group performance from a text that will be externally assessed.
Component 31 - Analysing performance (20% of the qualification)
Students will have a 2 hour 15 minute written exam. Students will explore practically two performance texts on a chosen theme and analyse and evaluate a live theatre performance.
Component 41-48– Deconstructing texts for performance (20% of the qualification)
Students will have a 1 hour 45 minute written exam. Students will interpret and explore practically
Future Applications
Many industries welcome graduates who have studied Drama and Theatre Studies as they recognise their ability to work analytical and collaboratively with others. Undergraduate courses in Drama and Theatre Studies leading to careers in producing, management, journalism, directing, performing, scriptwriting, event management, administration, teaching, law etc.
Ella - Goldsmiths
Alex - Aberystwyth
Hannah - Central School of Speech & Drama
Ella - Rose Bruford
Holly - Rose Bruford
Alice – Roehampton