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Message from Head Students


COLBY: As a member of the Sixth Form Head Student team, my role involves leading a society and representing the student voice. As a liaison between students and teachers, I have the responsibility of relaying both concerns and praise and fostering open and effective communication. My time at Springwood Sixth Form has not only helped me discover more about myself but has also provided valuable opportunities that reinforce my aspirations to pursue a career in medicine. With the unwavering support of the dedicated staff, I feel confident going into exams, knowing I've received exceptional guidance and preparation.


TAHLIA: My role as a head student is to mentor the year 12 cohort with their transition from high school to sixth form and in organising subject-specific tutor sessions with other year 13 students assisting. This position has helped me to improve both in my teamwork and socially. My favourite events in this role so far have been speaking at the sixth form open evening and giving an assembly on time management to our year 12 cohort.


SEAN: Although I joined Springwood halfway through year 12, the warm and welcoming nature of the teachers allowed me to settle in rapidly. Since joining the sixth form, I have flourished both academically and socially and have been able to obtain an offer from my top choice university: Cambridge. As a Head Student, I have supported in overseeing sixth form events, and alongside the teacher in charge, we also launched our first-ever intra-sixth form University Challenge competition, which proved to be a massive success.


PIERS: After joining the Sixth Form Head Student team in Year 12, I've helped produce and check PSHE powerpoints on interesting, complex issues, including everything from the War in Gaza to finding peace through meditation. My favourite opportunity was to be able to interview a teacher on her time as a teacher, which was both eye-opening and very funny.



IMOGEN: Springwood Sixth Form offers a broad range of opportunities for students to create an impressive portfolio through the education and preparation from teachers and support staff. As Head Student, I have endeavoured to create mentoring schemes which will provide students with the opportunity to utilise additional education to maximise their grades and confidence. Furthermore, I aim to help students become well-rounded through encouraging volunteering, work experience, and extracurricular activities which have been key for me to secure a future career in Law.


CINDY & ANUSHKA: Our role within the head student team revolves around organising social events to further bring the sixth form community together. The most successful event has been the seasonal bake-offs, which have followed many different themes like Halloween and Christmas. In addition, these events have helped raise money towards the Year 13 prom. It has been a great experience bringing people together and leaving a legacy for future events.


REECE: As part of the head student team, I work to produce PSHE content for form time to raise awareness for different important topics, such as supporting trans students and supporting people with their exam stress through mindfulness/meditation. Additionally, being in the team has given me experience representing the school at events, such as welcoming the previous Year 13s back which will be useful for future University life.