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Each Endeavouring, All Achieving (Motto of Antigua and Barbuda)

Endeavour is one of the most fun things that you do at Springwood. It is a series of nine challenges that really put you outside your comfort zone.  It might sound hard, but that’s the point, it’s a really good experience and gets you up and trying new fun things.  I think that’s the best thing about endeavour, and you push yourself to your limits, and makes the prize(if you win)and Springfest mean more as you know you've achieved something you didn't think you would.  Springfest is an afternoon worth completing the endeavour programme for. There are a range of really fun activities to do there, including, spider mountain and bungee thing which is really fun!  Not only the activities, but there is also awesome live music and free burgers and ice cream!

Overall it is a really fun experience that lets you try all new things and if you do, it is worth it!

Are you Ready!!!

Let's get started......


Extra-Curricular Show that you have attended extra-curricular clubs or outside school activities at least 10 times between Easter of Year 7 and the end of Year 8. Gold standard: Show a commitment to two brand new extra-curricular activities (in addition to your basic Endeavour activity).


Numeracy & Literacy Complete your Timetable Rockstar challenge and gain at least one Literacy badge. Gold standard: take part in an additional Maths challenge activity of some kind or gain a Blue literacy badge.


Display Get your work displayed around the school in at least 3 different faculty areas between Easter of Year 7 and the end of Year 8. Gold standard: produce a project about a topic that interests you – see Guidance Sheet for details. This also counts for Gold standard on Understand.


Explore Attend three individual day trips or a residential activity with the school or other organisation. Attending a school performance may count as a trip. Gold standard: write an article for the school newsletter about one of the trips you have been on.  Also attend a school performance as a member of the audience and write an article about that too.


ATL Attitude to Learning - Show excellence or significant improvement in your ATL grades on your reports throughout Years 7 and 8. Gold standard: achieve at least one average of ATL 1 for one reporting cycle in Year 8.


Value Others Make a difference by taking an active part in organising and promoting a charity fund-raising event between Easter of Year 7 and the end of Year 8. Donating money is not enough! Gold standard: organize your own charity fundraising event for your year group charity. You must show that you have done most of the organization for the event yourself.


Orate Take an active part in presenting an assembly, helping at a parents’ evening or take part in a school performance between Easter of Year 7 and the end of Year 8. Gold standard: organize and lead an assembly to your house or year group.


Understand Independently research and complete your booklet on Online Safety in Year 7. Complete your Careers project in Year 8. Achieve at least ATL 2 for each project. Gold standard: see Display for details about a special interest project. Successfully completing such a project guarantees Gold in both Display and Understand areas.


Represent Represent your tutor group, year group, house, or school in at least 2 different activities between Easter of Year 7 and the end of Year 8. Gold standard: represent your tutor group, year group, house or school at least 5 times during the same period.