Learn about teaching at our special event
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As one of Norfolk’s leading schools for teacher training, we are looking forward to hosting an open evening for anyone interested in joining the profession.
Whether you've yet to graduate from university, or are looking for a change of direction in your career, would-be teachers are welcome to take part in the ‘Get Into Teaching’ event next week. It will include details on the various routes into teaching, as well as potential job opportunities at the West Norfolk Academies Trust, of which we are a member.
“We’re looking for people who are passionate about their subject, education, and working with young people,” said our teacher training lead, Lucy Hipperson.
“They need to be graduates, but we cater for career changes as well as those who are straight out of university or currently completing a degree, and those who might already be working in schools, such as teaching assistants.”
Run in conjunction with teacher training provider The Cambridge Partnership, the free event will be held in the Peter Hopkins Hall on Tuesday, October 18 from 6pm.
Mrs Hipperson continued: “It will be quite informal with tea and coffee to start, so people can mill around and chat to one another.
“The Cambridge Partnership will deliver an information session on the different options, covering the requirements needed to train to teach, the application process, how training works, how placements work and how funding works.
“There will also be a Q and A session afterwards, followed by the opportunity to network and ask people questions directly.”
Executive Headteacher Andy Johnson will also be on hand to answer questions along with Mrs Hipperson and staff from the Norfolk Teacher Training Centre and the Cambridge Partnership.
Our school, a lead in the partnership, represents a group of more than 30 schools in West Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and South Lincolnshire. We currently have over 30 teachers who completed their training with us – including several who first attended as pupils.
Mrs Hipperson continued: “This year’s intake was quite small, and we only have six teacher trainees in Springwood at the moment, but last year there were 16 trainees at the school across the year, and we have trainees at several Trust schools, both primary and secondary.
“We also have ex-pupils who go away and come back to us to teach – you’ve got to grow your own!”
She added: “As well as the Get Into Teaching event, schools are available for day visits. The window for applications for September 2023 has now started, but schools only have a certain amount of capacity, so we encourage people who are interested to apply for a place as soon as possible.”
For more information, go to westnorfolkacademiestrust.co.uk or contact l.hipperson@springwoodhighschool.co.uk.
Free tickets are available from https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/get-into-teaching-information-evening-tickets-423268907697