Springwood dancers stage sell-out show
A moving piece based around an asylum stole the show when Springwood students starred in our annual dance performance.
View all the latest news from Springwood High School here.
A moving piece based around an asylum stole the show when Springwood students starred in our annual dance performance.
Caring for rescued elephants and working with disadvantaged children were just two of the challenges undertaken by our sixth formers when they travelled to Thailand for the adventure of a lifetime.
At Springwood High School we’ve pledged to help Norfolk’s children and young people flourish.
Mathematicians from Springwood High School took their studies to a new level when they travelled to the United States of America on a specially themed trip.
Dancers of all ages will be showcasing their talents – and competing against one another – when Springwood High School holds its annual dance event next month.
Eco warriors at Springwood High School have been donating second-hand clothing to help not one but two good causes.
The county’s newest community orchestra entertained music lovers with a spring concert – as well as raising £550 for the King’s Lynn Night Shelter.
A group of Springwood skiers followed in the tracks of Olympian medalists when they took to the slopes at Sansicario in Italy.
Young musicians from across West Norfolk showcased their talents at this year’s Music for Youth Regional Festival – including many from Springwood High School.
Calling West Norfolk’s budding musicians – Springwood High School is hosting free, weekly musical ensembles for pupils up to the age of 12.
Amateur photographers of all ages had the opportunity to show off their skills when the West Norfolk Academies Trust launched its inaugural photography competition – and Springwood High School swept the board, with winners in three different categories.
Our musicians joined others from across West Norfolk to perform at the annual Schools Make Music Concert.