Improving Our School
Springwood High School seeks to provide a rich and diverse range of courses and opportunities, both curricular and extra-curricular, in order that all pupils are motivated and challenged to achieve their maximum academic potential and have the self-confidence to live a rich, fulfilling and healthy life when they leave. The school aims to:-
- Strive constantly to improve standards of teaching and learning
- Have high expectations of pupils in all aspects of school life, acknowledging and celebrating their successes
- Encourage the development of independent, enquiring and creative minds
- Provide pupils with a safe, secure, caring and orderly learning environment
- Promote tolerance and respect for all members of the community, both within and outside school
The school actively encourages the support and involvement of parents whom it recognises have a vital part to play in the academic and personal development of pupils.
Springwood is a good school (OfSTED 2017). We have one clear aim – to become outstanding. We have a strategic plan to improve Springwood which is outlined below;
Area 1: To produce world class standards of student achievement
The qualifications that our students gain are the vital currency to provide the best possible future life chances. Qualifications are not the only element of an excellent education, but Springwood High School will only become an excellent school with outstanding student achievement at all levels. The core subjects of English, Maths and Science are demanded by employers. The English Baccalaureate also places a greater emphasis on other more traditionally academic subjects of Modern Foreign Languages, Geography and History. We will continue to guide students where appropriate towards these subjects but will not force students to take one subject rather than another. Outstanding schools do not allow data to act as a “lid” to future improvement; they use data to provide a “springboard” to excellence. The school has to believe that “the sky is the limit” in terms of the academic potential of our current and future students.
Area 2: To further improve student and community engagement
Springwood has outstanding pupil engagement with the community and outstanding extra-curricular arts provision. This area seeks to maintain excellence in these areas, whilst developing student engagement in other areas of the school. Attendance is a key indicator for student engagement. The school has worked hard to improve attendance and Academy status has provided greater opportunities to attempt new strategies in this area
Area 3: To develop an excellent standard of Teaching and Learning
OfSTED has given the school a significant and well-focussed objective in improving the teaching and learning within the school to outstanding. The school is well poised to develop this key area. The key elements of this development will be;
- Identifying where excellent teachers are within the school and working with these lead teachers to identify clear learning pathways/development scaffolds etc for supporting others
- Working with lead teachers from other successful schools nationally
- To continue our excellent work in developing new entrants to the profession
- To continue to develop our performance management and quality assurance processes (including the use of performance data) to support each teacher in their journey to excellence
- To challenge and support every member of the school community to expect the very best from the school at all times
- Development of Year 7, 8, & 9 Curriculum: tracking and incentives
Area 4: To provide and maintain world class resources for our school community
Springwood staff are the most important resource of the school. However, even in financially demanding times, it is vital that we continue to strategically develop the physical resource provision to provide our students and staff with the very best learning and teaching resources.