Labour Market Information
Labour Market Information (LMI) outlines the career opportunities available in an area, including the types and levels of jobs, the number of people needed in these jobs and the skills and qualification levels required. This can help students make informed choices about future employment and study options.
Norfolk Labour Market Profile
The sectors that employ the most people in Norfolk are health and care, financial and business services, retail, catering, hospitality and tourism, manufacturing and education. However, the world of work is always changing and new jobs are being created all the time. We are likely to see increased demand for people who have digital creative and information technology skills. Growth sectors for the future include low carbon and ecosystem conservation.
Find out more about the Labour Market Profile for Norfolk here Labour Market Profile - Norfolk
Norfolk Work and Skills Booklet
Norfolk County Council has produced information about the key sectors in Norfolk and the types of jobs available now and into the future - including salary expectations and the skills and qualifications required. The guide is designed to help students to prepare for the world of work and plan for the future Norfolk Work & Skills
National and Sector Specific LMI
The changing nature of the job market in the UK is important to understand as many of the jobs young people will be doing in the future may not have been invented yet!
More information on LMI can be found here: