At Springwood High School all of our teachers are ‘teachers of careers’. Our programme is delivered through a blended curriculum with teachers involved in delivery as Form Tutors and Subject Teachers.
As Form Tutors you are trusted individuals who develop strong relationships with your tutees so you are often the first point of contact when students are exploring their post 16 or post 18 options. 1-1 support and mentoring meetings are ideal opportunities to discuss personal career ambitions with students and the pathways to realise them. You can also refer students to our qualified Careers Adviser when additional guidance is needed.
As Subject Teachers you are bringing your subjects to life by linking curriculum content with Labour Market Information and the career roles and skills for work associated with your subjects. For example, STEM subject teachers can highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career paths.
This is important because:
- Subject teachers are highly influential – students are 18 times more likely to be motivated to learn if their teachers can link the knowledge being taught, and the transferable skills students are developing, to their personal ambitions
- Teachers highlighting the relevance of their subject to future careers and opportunities creates social capital for young people with more limited networks
- Careers education can lead to better student outcomes, while also raising aspirations and increasing engagement with education
Teachers are encouraged to:
- link careers to their subject documentation (schemes of work, lesson plans and resources) and display career materials in their classrooms
- draw on their own experiences of the world of work, and different education and career pathways, to inspire students
- invite alumni and other external speakers to come into school to widen horizons
- organise external visits to local businesses and workplaces to help students build their own networks and essential skills for life and work
- deliver industrial awareness challenges for students with a local businesses
- challenge stereotyping by promoting role models
To support you to become a ‘teacher of careers’ there is a CPD programme and a ‘Careers Hub’ Google Classroom which signposts you to the latest CEIAG resources.
Any enquiries about CEIAG should be directed to Careers Lead Nicky Thompson at n.thompson@springwoodhighschool.co.uk