Message from the Head
At Springwood Sixth Form, we believe that all students have the capacity to excel if they work hard, make sacrifices and commit to their studies. However, experience has taught us that it is those students who have a clear sense of direction – a vision for their lives – who work hardest and are the most committed.
We also know that not everyone has a ready-made plan when they join sixth form: your head might be swimming with a thousand possibilities, or you might have no clue at all. That is why, in addition to providing expert, high-quality teaching, our aim from day one is to help you develop a vision for your life and our goal for the next two years is to help you achieve it.
If you accept our invitation to join us at Springwood Sixth Form, we promise that – through expert teaching; a high quality work experience and enrichment offer; and first-rate careers advice and pastoral support – we will help you develop and realise a vision for your life.
I look forward to welcoming you to our fantastic Sixth Form!
Andy Johnson
Your First Choice Destination for Post-16 Study
Springwood Sixth Form is a large and inclusive, school sixth form which provides a first-rate, post 16 education for students drawn from schools across the region. As such, it has gained a reputation as a leading provider of A Level and Vocational Qualifications and has become the first choice sixth form destination for West Norfolk. More young people choose to continue their education at Springwood than at any other sixth form in the area.
We currently offer 34 different courses, all of which are delivered by subject specialists who will help you unlock your true potential - no matter what your starting point. We also offer access to a huge array of work experience opportunities and a high-value enrichment package. All of this is underpinned by a dedicated academic and pastoral support team.
Our Vision
We believe that by setting high expectations, offering students a range of experiences - both academic and extra-curricular - and providing expert teaching and pastoral support, we can prepare all pupils for a successful and fulfilling life after sixth form.