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Guided Choices - Year 9

The structure of Key Stage 4 has been designed to ensure that every student will follow a broad and balanced curriculum suited to his or her individual needs.  The majority of students this year will be following the Purple Pathway.  This requires students to select at least one Humanities subject (Geography or History) and a modern foreign language (French, German or Spanish).  A further two subjects may then be selected from all available subjects. The majority of students will follow this pathway as it is the government's ambition that 75% of students this year will follow subjects making up the EBacc suite (English Language; English Literature; Combined Science, or Chemistry, Physics and Biology; Geography or History; and French, German or Spanish).

The remaining students will follow the Green Pathway, where they will select at least one of the following subjects: Geography, History, French, German or Spanish.  The remaining three choices can be made from all possible subjects.

It is not always possible to accommodate all selections. We have to maintain reasonable class sizes and also try to work around “clashes”.  As a result, we ask you to indicate other courses you might consider. For some students, it may be necessary to use these courses, and so they must be subjects in which you have an interest and ability.  All choices (both main and reserve) must be chosen in order of preference.

If you chose Design and Technology, we will discuss with you, once all choices have been made, what you might be interested in specialising in, in year 11.

To download the KS4 Choices Booklet for 2023-2025 please click the link below:

Guided Choices Booklet 2025

Further Information:

Year 9 Guided Choices Parents’ Information Session Wednesday 27th March - Letter to Parents

Yr 9 Subject Choices Parent Information Evening Presentation - 27th March 2024

Key Dates

Remember, you must complete your choices by Wednesday 30th April.

If you have any questions at any point throughout the process, please contact
the Year 9 Office on 01553 779408