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Year 6 Transition - September 2024

Welcome to Springwood High School!

Making the move from Year 6 to Year 7 is an exciting time, with lots of changes to prepare for: a new timetable, new teachers and even new friends.

This page has been set up to help you and your child to transition from Primary to Secondary Education

Year 6 Transition Info - September 2024

Joining Springwood High School 

It is our intention to make all our new starters feel relaxed and well-informed when starting with us. During May/June, you will receive a letter informing you of which House your child/ren will be in, as well as a meeting time. These meetings give you the opportunity to find out more about the school and to meet with staff. You will also be able to size and order your child/rens uniform.

This year's meeting will take place on the following dates:

Monday 10th June - Blickling & Sandringham - Click here for a copy of the letter sent to parents 

Tuesday 11th June - Felbrigg & Sandringham - Click here for a copy of the letter sent to parents 

Wednesday 12th June - Holkham & Sandringham - Click here for a copy of the letter sent to parents 

Thursday 13th June - Oxburgh & Sandringham - Click here for a copy of the letter sent to parents 

1:1 interviews/meetings will take place between 3.45pm (first appt) and 5.15pm (last appt)



For further details on School Uniform visit our Uniform page here. 

To ensure that your new uniform arrives in time for the start of the new term, Price and Buckland have requested that you place your order before 1st August 2024.

Orders can be placed after this date and Price and Buckland will do their best to get the uniform to you, but It cannot be guaranteed.

If the new Year 7 Parents/Guardians choose to have their uniform order delivered to Springwood they will be able to collect their order from reception on the following dates/times:-



Taster Days 

Your child/ren “Taster Day” will be their first day at Springwood High School which is Wednesday 4th September 2024.

For those children who will be travelling to Springwood on the school bus, parents are advised to check the NCC website the week before school reopens in September. Norfolk County Council school bus information can be found by following this link

Children should arrive at school by 8.45am and the school day will end at 3.25pm. A packed lunch can be brought in, or the children can buy lunch in our canteen. Please ensure they have money for this. Those children who are entitled to free school meals will be catered for in the usual way and can have a school meal or packed lunch with their daily allowance.

Children should wear their usual school uniform.

The school will be open to parents in the evening. This will give you another chance to meet senior members of staff, year managers and members of the Special Needs Department if you wish. Further details to follow in due course.   

If you have any concerns regarding your child starting school in September 2024 please do not hesitate to contact us direct on 01553 778092 or via email

Useful Transition Resources 

To help students and parents make the move a little easier here are some resources that we hope you will find useful:



Be Awesome, Go Big is a package to help Year 6 students transition into Year 7. It can be used by students and parents at home or in school with teachers in class. It is designed to be motivational, helpful and reassuring and to help young people feel valued, loved, encouraged and equipped for the journey ahead.

The resources are based on bestselling children’s books You Are Awesome by Matthew Syed and Go Big: The secondary school survival guide by Matthew Burton. 

We can highly recommend the books as great reads for both students and parents.


These resources provide information, tips and questions to help you open up discussion with your child about the transition and help prepare them for starting secondary school:

Getting Ready to Go Big Growth Mindset - Parent Pamphlet
Helping your child get into good habits - Parent Pamphlet Making the Change - Parent Pamphlet
Transition into secondary school - Parent-Pamphlet Building Resilience - Parent Pamphlet


These resources have been created to prepare Year 6 pupils for the transition to secondary school.

The lessons are based on the books You Are Awesome by Matthew Syed and Go Big by Matthew Burton. Each session will take pupils through some big ideas to help them on their way to secondary school.

Children should work through each interactive lesson, recording their answers in the accompanying workbook:

Be Awesome Go Big - Workbook
Getting Ready to Go Big
Session 1 - Being awesome Session 2 - Unlocking your mind
Session 3 - Dare to take risks Session 4 - Making the change
Session 5 - Lost but not lost Session 6 - Bouncebackability
Session 7 - What is normal anyway Session 8 - Friendships and fallouts
Session 9 - Living-well  


Safer Schools Partnership

Springwood High School is part of the Safer Schools Partnership and we have our very own Police Officer that comes into school to give us help and advice on lots of things.

Meet Tory from our Safer Schools Team below:


Transition Work and Summer Tasks 

Your child will be asked to complete a series of tasks during the summer holidays, prior to their first day at Springwood High School. Please click on the links below to view and download the tasks.

Lets Get to Know You!

Please complete the 'Lets Get to Know You' form by clicking here. Please hand it to your form tutor on your first day.

Maths - Transition Taster Booklet 

The Maths Taster booklet will be sent to you to complete. It has some interesting information about the Maths department as well as some tasks for you to do while you are preparing to transition.

However, if you need to download a copy of the Maths Taster Booklet, please click here


Eedi Summer Club makes learning maths easy and fun. For a free trial sign up before the 28th June by clicking the link below:

Maths - Numerise Website - Transition Work

Numerise is a maths app/website which incorporates a  specifically designed course called 'Secondary Ready' to help Year 6 students who will be transitioning to Year 7 in September.

The 'Secondary Ready' course will help keep our current year 6 children mathematically fresh over this difficult period and help bridge the gap between Year 6 and Year 7 maths.  

Current Year 6 parents and students can sign up to Numerise free of charge until September. If you wish to try this out, please follow the link below to sign up.

Numerise App


The booklet below introduces the English Department and includes details of the Summer Task they wish you to complete and hand in when you join Springwood High School in September.

Year 6 English Booklet and Summer Task 



The Science Department is looking forward to welcoming you in September. Below is a short task for you to complete before you return to school:

Lab Safety - Spot the Hazard Summer Task 

They have also put together a short video from one of the Science Labs, Click here to watch it, it may help you with your Summer Task!

Additional tasks will be available for download in due course

Transition Activities

Transition Activity 1- Reading a Timetable 

Have a look at the PowerPoint and see if you can work out how to read a timetable.  This is an actual Year 7 timetable.  Don't worry if you find it tricky - your Form Tutor will be able to help you with your real one!

Click on image to view

Transition Activity 2 - Watch This......




Food Technology

Looking forward to Food Tech classes? Then why not take a look at some of the dishes you will be doing when you join us in September.

If you want to give your cooking skills a trial then why not have a go at Miss T's - Chocolate Orange 1,2,3 Biscuits.