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GCSE Results Day at Springwood

GCSE results day marked an historic day at Springwood High School as this year’s results were the highest in the school’s history on every measure.

Some 71 per cent of students gained a 4 or higher in English and Maths, up 14 per cent from last year, 47 per centre of students gained a 5 or higher in English and Maths, up 8 per cent from last year, and 13 per cent of students gained a 7 or higher in English and Maths, up 2 per cent from last year.

“I am so proud of the students and staff at Springwood,” Executive Headteacher Andy Johnson said: “This is a phenomenal achievement for the school following a huge amount of hard work from everyone at the school.”

Top achievers included Eva Kalabina (8 grade 9s, A in additional maths, 2 grade 8s and 1 grade 7), and Kevin Monk (7 grade 9s, 2 grade 8s, 1 grade 7).

Eva, who is staying on at Springwood to study Economics, Chemistry, Maths and Further Maths at A-Level, said: “I didn’t have a very good night's sleep because I was stressing quite a bit about my results but I’m over the moon with these results.

“I was hoping for as many 9s as possible but despite doing well in my Mocks, I wasn’t confident in myself, so when predicting my results, I predicted more 8s.

“I was most pleased with my A in additional Maths because I was worried about this one, and overall, I feel like my hard work has paid off.

“I think people talk a lot about talent or natural ability, but working hard is what fulfils learning for me. I feel like I’m quite an academic person so to know that my hard work has led to really good result is really satisfying”

Eva, who has ambitions to study Economics or Maths at Cambridge, added: “I’m pleased to be taking my A-Levels here because it’s been great at Springwood. 


"All the teachers have always been supportive of me. Even before GCSEs started, in years 7, 8 and 9, they were always happy to help me.”

Kevin is also staying on at Springwood to study Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics at A-Level with an aim of going to Imperial College to study Electrical Engineering.

“I was a bit stressed coming in to collect my results,” he said. “I was hoping for all 8s. I really wasn’t expecting any 9s so to get seven is incredible.

“I’m most pleased with the 9s in English Literature and Computer Science as I found both of them quite hard and I really wasn’t expecting to get these results. But I did spend a lot of time revising and it shows you the hard work pays off.”

Meanwhile Zion Noble (6 grade 9s, 1 Grade D2, 1 grade 8, 2 grade 7s), Oliver Oliveira (5 grade 9s, A in additional Maths, 3 grade 8s, 3 grade 7s), and Pavel Croitoru (5 grade 9s, A in additional Maths, 2 grade 8s, 2 grade 7s, 2 grade 6s) were also amongst Springwood’s top achievers.

Zion, who is staying on at Springwood to study Chemistry, Psychology and English Literature at A-Level, said: “I was so nervous coming in today. I wanted to get all 7s and above but I wasn’t sure I’d get that so I was really happy to see so many nines.

“I was actually most proud of my 7 in Maths because I really didn’t think I’d get that.”

She added: “I came here at the start of Year 10 and it’s been a really positive experience at Springwood. The teachers are great and now I’m hoping they can help me get into University where I hope to study Law.”

Oliver is also staying on at Springwood to study Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry at A-Level with a view to then studying Engineering at University.

“I’m speechless. I really wasn’t expecting to do as well as I have,” he said. “I just feel so proud because I put so many hours into every single day prior to the exams and it’s really paid off.

“I’m most pleased with my A in Additional Maths because it was the last GCSE, I was really tired and I felt it was the hardest exam of them all.”

He added: “It’s been amazing at Springwood. All the teachers are really nice and I’ve made loads of friends, it’s a very welcoming school community.”

Springwood also celebrated its highest results in Science GCSE where 80 per cent of students gained a 4 or higher in GCSE Science, up 10 per cent from last year.

In addition 61 per cent of students gained a 5 or higher in GCSE Science, up 10% from last year, and 22 per cent of students gained a 7 or higher in GCSE Science, up 6 per cent from last year.

“Springwood has strategically placed student’s academic achievement at the heart of what we do,” Roger Livesey, Chair of the Trustees and Springwood Governing Body, continued. “These results show that this strategy is working extremely well. Well done to everyone involved.”

A third of students also took Triple Science as the school looks to produce the scientists of the future, and the school was particularly pleased that 16 per cent of students achieved a grade 9 in Physics, up 8 per cent from last year, alongside an improvement in both Biology and Chemistry results.

The school also had record results in other subjects across the board.

“I couldn’t be more proud of what the students have achieved,” said Head of Year 11 Rebecca Davies-Mays. “Today is definitely a day of celebration, not only for academic success but all the extra-curricular successes they have had along the way.

“We had Rachel and Logan take the lead roles in Beauty and the Beast along with other year 11’s that had starring roles, all whilst preparing for exams.

“Jared travelled around the UK and Europe winning medals on his BMX. We also had great success with the Netball team, girls and boys rugby and football teams, Harley with his show jumping, the dance show, these are just a few of numerous highlights.

“Students have taken part in various competitions, including Maths, Computing, STEM, spelling bee, languages, photography and many more.

“After the exams had finished the year 11 musicians along with other students went to Disneyland Paris to perform, demonstrating their continued dedication to Music and Springwood.

She added: “Academic progress has always been at the heart of what we do at Springwood, but the extra-curricular activities and getting involved is what makes for a great five years as a Springwood student.

“I am very grateful to have been given the opportunity to guide and support this group of talented young people through their time at Springwood and wish them all the best for their future endeavours.”

Photo taken by: Ian Burt

More photos can be found here