NCS Team Presentation

On Monday 16th October the Sixth Form were very fortunate to be given a presentation from the NCS team and 2014 winner of the voice, Jermain Jackman who explained the opportunities this amazing experience could offer us.
The National Citizen Service is open to 15-17 year olds in England and Northern Ireland and offers a programme that helps build skills for life whilst helping you to take on new challenges and meet new people. It was incredibly interesting to hear first-hand from Jermain how he believes NCS gave him the confidence to perform worldwide and also introduced him to the significance of politics, which he now studies at Leeds University.
It has sparked a lot of interest throughout the Sixth Form, with many people applying to get involved. Mr Pettitt commented ‘It’s vital to break through the four walls of our Sixth Form and gain extra experiences to make you stand out against other students in the country who will be competing for the same job or university spots. NCS is a great way to do this and I would recommend it to everyone’.
Overall the presentation was eye opening and I (along with many others) can’t wait to get involved.
Report by Sophie Ward, Year 12.
Jermain in pictured below with on 'The Voice.'