Year 11 Introduction Day
The 6th of July marked the first full day experience of becoming a Springwood Sixth Form student for the Year 11’s starting in September.
The day started with a warm welcome from the Head Teacher, Mr Johnson, who then passed over to the sixth form team, to explain how Springwood sixth form makes their students the best they can be and what opportunities the students can grab for the future.
After a little introduction to sixth form life, the students designed their own subject timetable and dispersed across the school, for a day in the life of a Springwood sixth form student.
The day was full of fun lessons, giving the students insight into their chosen subjects, to see if it was right for them.
The arts offered a range of interesting activities such as; painting a New York scene, photograms in photography and some powerful acting, in the drama studio. There was also information about the opportunities the Arts offered, foe example an Art an photography trip to Venice in March.
Maths saw students starting to work together to solve problems. In science, students got to experience a practical activity and things started to get heated in Government and politics, with passionate debates.
During form time there was a Question and Answer session with the student council, to enable students to hear at first hand why students from the council chose to study at Springwood and what opportunities it has given them.
To show off how Springwood sixth form offers fun and exciting opportunities for their students, the council set up yet another successful and delicious BBQ, selling the best burgers in town, raising £100 !
At the end of the day students stayed behind, with opportunities to listen into further details about their course, but to also change their subject if they did not feel it was right for them.
We, at Springwood sixth form, hope that this day has made the new students feel welcomed and confident when coming in September. There was much talent seen in lessons and the sixth form team look forward to working with everyone in the new September term.
To view more photos from the day please click here.