Springwood Sixth Form Prospectus



3 At Springwood Sixth Form, we believe that all students have the capacity to excel if they work hard, make sacrifices and commit to their studies. However, experience has taught us that it is those students who have a clear sense of direction – a vision for their lives – who work hardest and are the most committed. We also know that not everyone has a ready-made plan when they join sixth form: your head might be swimming with a thousand possibilities, or you might have no clue at all. That is why, in addition to providing expert, high-quality teaching, our aim from day one is to help you develop a vision for your life and our goal for the next two years is to help you achieve it. If you accept our invitation to join us at Springwood Sixth Form, we promise that – through expert teaching; a high quality work experience and enrichment offer; and first-rate careers advice and pastoral support, we will help you develop and realise a vision for your life. I look forward to welcoming you to our fantastic Sixth Form! MR ANDREW JOHNSON 03 HELPING YOU TO ACHIEVE YOUR VISION

4 Springwood Sixth Form is a large and inclusive, school sixth form which provides a first-rate, post 16 education for students drawn from schools across the region. As such, it has gained a reputation as a leading provider of A Level and Vocational Qualifications and has become the first choice sixth form destination for West Norfolk. More young people choose to continue their education at Springwood than at any other sixth form in the area. We currently offer 34 different courses, all of which are delivered by subject specialists who will help you unlock your true potential - no matter what your starting point. We also offer access to a huge array of work experience opportunities and a high-value enrichment package. All of this is underpinned by a dedicated academic and pastoral support team. OUR VISION We believe that by setting high expectations, offering students a range of experiences - both academic and extra-curricular - and providing expert teaching and pastoral support, we can prepare all pupils for a successful and fulfilling life after sixth form. 0 YOUR FIRST CHOICE DESTINATION FOR POST-16 STUDY


6 WHY CHOOSE US Here are just some of the things that prove that Springwood Sixth Form is the best choice for you following your GCSEs: • A huge range of courses for students to choose from. Springwood’s own expert, subject specialist teachers. Pastoral and academic support, which is second to none. A sustained record of academic excellence. Partnership with a range of organisations to ensure that our students have every possible advantage. First-class, dedicated sixth form facilities. An enviable record of supporting students in achieving their first-choice futures, whether that be an Oxbridge university, a degree-level apprenticeship, or a football scholarship in America. Paid work for sixth form students in a range of roles, including mentoring. 0

7 YOUR SIXTH FORM EXPERIENCE As a student at Springwood Sixth Form, you will be able to choose what you wear (within reason!) and manage your own free time. But, most importantly of all, you will be supported in adjusting to this new-found freedom and where additional structure would be helpful, we will build this into your timetable. 07 Springwood is a school sixth form and, as such, it offers the best of both worlds: all of the freedoms of a college environment, underpinned by high expectations, supportive structures and close communication between home and school. "At sixth form you are treated more like an adult. We learn to be independent with a supportive sixth form team around us to help us achieve our full potential" TOBIAS (YEAR 12)

08 OUR FACILITIES We also offer well-equipped Drama and Dance studios, our very own on-site Hair Salon and state of the art Music Technology equipment. There are superb facilities for Art and Photography, Science and Construction. "Having come from a small school I am impressed by all of the facilities Springwood has to offer. With a sixth form study area, social area and subject specific areas like the photography studio, dance studio and textiles equipment, I am able to really get creative with my subjects." LILY YEAR 13 Students at Springwood have access to a range of dedicated sixth form facilities, well resourced, dedicated study and social areas and a brand new, free-standing sixth form cafeteria, which serves a subsidised menu designed by our own students.

9 We have invested in technology to ensure that all students have the devices and skills that they need to allow flexible teaching and learning in unusual circumstances, switching seamlessly between faceto-face and virtual lessons. OUR TECHNOLOGY Google classroom is used to support learning and it also makes it easy for students and staff to keep in touch. We are also very proud of our brand new suites of Apple Macs in the Media and Music Technology classrooms. 09

10 Alongside your academic studies, we offer an extensive range of high-value enrichment opportunities, many of which come with a qualification. SOME OF THE HIGHLIGHTS … Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) Springwood is a beacon school for the EPQ and it is a popular option amongst our students - not least because it is worth half an A Level, offers additional UCAS points and many universities will lower their entry requirements for those who have successfully completed a project. Most importantly of all, an EPQ is a fantastic opportunity for you to develop your knowledge beyond the curriculum and prestigious universities love that in a student. The Duke of Edinburgh Award At Springwood Sixth Form, we are proud of the huge numbers of year 12 students who take up the opportunity to work towards the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award. Just like the EPQ, Universities and employers value the Gold Duke of Edinburgh award. It demonstrates important skills, such as communication, teamwork, determination and leadership. If you haven’t progressed through the Bronze and Silver awards, don’t despair: our expert team will find the best route for you. Debating Society If you join the debating society at Springwood, be warned: it can get very heated. Our debaters develop their knowledge, learn to think on their feet and have the opportunity to compete in national competitions. Not only that, but membership of the debating society looks great on any personal statement application. OPPORTUNITIES OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM

11 At Springwood, we believe in the importance of providing you with leadership opportunities, so that you can extend and develop yourself. Sixth Form Council Sixth Form Social Committee Level 3 Sports Leaders Possible paid work as a mentor AND THERE’S MORE... YOUR CHANCE TO LEAD A n exciting range of opportunities for musicians - including various ensembles, concert band and tuition. Mock Magistrates Court competitions An industry-standard First Aid qualification Teachers of Tomorrow Level 3 Sports Leaders Ancient Greek and Latin Drama Club Sports clubs & societies Employment workshops Mock interviews & personal statement support Visiting lecturers 1

12 When you join Year 12, one of the first people that you meet will be your Head of Year. Whether it is Mr Rawling or Mrs Cuss, it will be their job to support you in your sixth form journey - getting to know you, co-ordinating work experience and enrichment opportunities, and preparing you for your next steps, whether that be university, an apprenticeship, or employment. They will closely monitor your progress through sixth form and offer support and advice to ensure your success. They are usually to be found in their office in The Study Area and their door is always open.’ Head of Year If you are finding the step up from GCSEs to A Levels and Vocational Qualifications hard going, don’t worry: you will not be the only one. Whether you are struggling with your workload or a particularly challenging topic, or you need some revision strategies, Mrs Thompson, our Academic mentor, is there to offer support and help. Sixth Form Academic Tutor Your Progress Tutor will help you to navigate life in the sixth form and support you as you make the step up from GCSEs to sixth form study. Once you’ve found your feet, they will offer guidance and support as you plan the next stage of your journey. You’ll meet new friends in your weekly, timetabled, group sessions, which will have a variety of focuses throughout the year. Your Progress Tutor will also play an important part in helping with personal and academic development, as well as monitoring your progress. As you proceed through sixth form, some of these group sessions will be replaced by one to one meetings, offering you the opportunity to explore any issues that you did not feel able to raise in the classroom. Progress Tutors Mrs Franklin and Mrs Williams operate an open door policy and are always on hand to help you. They play an important role in monitoring your progress through sixth form and ensuring that channels of communication between home and school are always open. But they are also there whenever you need someone to talk to. Whether it is your mental well-being, the challenge of A Level study, or you just fancy a chat, they are your first port of call. Mrs Franklin and Mrs Williams also work closely with our superb, whole-school, safeguarding and student support team. Pastoral Team SUPPORT WHEN YOU NEED IT

13 GEORGIA YEAR 13 13 “Sixth Form enabled me to become super independent and take control of my own learning, allowing me to grow academically and personally. It also taught me to be resilient and to understand the importance of hard work.”

14 In our experience, a student who has a clear direction of travel is more motivated and therefore more likely to succeed. That is why we go to such great lengths to help you identify your goals, whether that is by providing opportunities to meet professionals from all walks of life; facilitating high-quality work experience, both locally and nationally; or by working in partnership with a range of external organisations. Once you have identified your goal, you will work with your Head of Year and your progress coach to establish the best way to reach your goal, whether that be university, a higher level apprenticeship, or employment. All students are encouraged to apply to university as the preparation and application process provides invaluable experience for other types of applications. “I feel the help available for post 6th form options is outstanding and staff make the effort to understand what individual students' aspirations are. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Springwood 6th Form to others thinking of further education.” A PARENT CAREERS

15 CAREERS SUPPORT 15 This platform provides a one-stop shop for university and apprenticeship applications. UniFrog In order to ensure that we are able to offer access to high-quality work experience, we work in partnership with businesses in the local community and companies with national and international profiles. Work Experience Every year, we send more students to Oxbridge universities. If you are interested in applying as an early applicant to Oxford or Cambridge, you will join our bespoke programme in Year 12, which is designed to guide you through the application process and prepare you for interview. We work closely with a range of organisations, including the Norfolk Higher Aspirations Scheme and the universities themselves to ensure that as many of our students as possible are successful. Students interested in Law, Medicine and Veterinary Medicine are also identified in Year 12 to take part in a bespoke programme, which includes preparation for application and interview, classes in medical ethics and support with important tests, such as the LNAT, BMAT and UCAT. Oxbridge, Medicine and Veterinary Medicine Sixth Form is an important opportunity for you to plan for your future, but we know full well that many of you will still be unsure of your next steps. Speak to any member of the Sixth Form Team and they will arrange a one to one meeting with our brilliant careers advisor. Not only is she qualified at the highest level, she is unbelievably good at her job and helpful too. Level 6 Career Advisor Each year, the sixth form welcomes speakers - many of whom are former students - from a variety of career areas. These talks provide opportunities for students to find out about a broad range of career pathways and are vital in helping students to identify future options. Futures Lectures Students are also encouraged to sign up for virtual talks delivered by a range of speakers from the international community, including American politicians, photo-journalists and renowned surgeons. Speakers for Schools

16 SETTLING IN Never fear, our programme of taster mornings and induction days, should mean that by the time you arrive in September, everything will feel reassuringly familiar. Our September ‘Welcome Day’ arrangements include Y13 Buddies who will make sure you don’t get lost and ice-breaker activities to help you get to know your peers. There’s no getting away from it, because it is so popular, Springwood Sixth Form is big! And we know that some of you may find that daunting.

17 FINANCIAL SUPPORT We are committed to removing barriers to participation and ensuring that all students have access to the resources they need in order to be successful in their academic studies. Bursary support is available to help cover the cost of things like: • Sixth Form meals • Learning materials • Compulsory trips • Travel to Sixth Form Eligibility criteria apply. Please see our website for further details. 17

18 33 Courses When choosing what to study at sixth form, it is worth considering the following: Do you have a particular career or degree in mind? If so, you may need to choose specific subjects. Are there any subjects which you enjoy and are particularly good at? If you want to keep your future study and career choices open, any subject you study will give you transferable skills. Maths and English Language at Grade 4 or above, plus at least three other GCSEs at Grade 5 and any minimum entry requirements for individual subjects. For the latest details of each course and specific entry requirements, please visit our website. YOUR OPTIONS FOR STUDY Entry Requirements

19 Choosing your courses: COURSE SUMMARY Remember, at sixth form you study A Levels or Vocational Qualifications, or a combination of both. Unless you are taking Further Maths as a fourth subject, you usually choose three subject options: one A Level, or one Vocational Qualification makes up one subject option. Visit our website to see current option blocks. 19 Course A Level Vocational Music x Music Technology x Photography x Physical Education x Physics x Psychology x Religious Education x Medical Science x Sociology x Spanish x Course A Level Vocational Art (Fine Art) x Biology x Business x Chemistry x Computer Science x Criminology x Dance* x x Drama & Theatre Studies x Economics x English Language x English Literature x Course A Level Vocational Fashion x French x Geography x German x Government & Politics x Health & Social Care x History x Maths x Further Maths x Media Studies x We also offer a full time Level 2 Vocational Qualification in Hairdressing and a full time Level 2 Vocational Qualification in Bricklaying. *The Dance course will follow either an A Level, or vocational curriculum depending on the skill set of that particular cohort of students

20 A LEVELS OR VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS? A Levels Vocational Qualifications Short for Advanced Level, A Levels are highly valued by universities and employers and can open doors to further study and careers. All A Levels are assessed by exams at the end of the two year course and graded A* to E. Most A Levels have a coursework element. An alternative to A Levels, vocational qualifications, such as BTECs, are more vocational and can be particularly useful if you know which career you’re working towards. Unlike A Levels, vocational qualifications are continually assessed throughout the course with a combination of coursework, practical projects and exams. Except for Criminology, which is graded in the same way as an A Level, vocational qualifications are awarded Pass, Merit, Distinction or Distinction *. They are accepted by universities and one vocational qualification is equivalent to one A Level.

21 YOUR NEXT STEPS If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us admissions@springwoodhighschool.co.uk. Ask us a question Our open evening - which is held in early October - is a fantastic opportunity for you to visit Springwood Sixth Form and meet both teachers and students. We also provide opportunities in the summer term for applicants to visit Springwood and to follow a bespoke timetable. This is a chance to try out unfamiliar subjects like Psychology, or Criminology. Keep an eye on our website for details. What happens next? Keep track of Springwood Sixth Form by following us on Instagram. @springwood6form Join us on social media Demand for places at Springwood Sixth Form is consistently high each year. Apply early to guarantee your place. Visit our website to apply online. We interview all of our applicants and we are really looking forward to meeting you. Apply 21

22 THE STUDENT VIEW Through captivating projects, eye-opening trips, and fulfilling volunteer work, Springwood ensures that students gain invaluable real-world experiences and skills that extend far beyond what's found in textbooks. The unwavering support of the staff has truly made all the difference in my academic journey. With their guidance, I was able to approach my exams with a sense of confidence and readiness, knowing that I have been thoroughly prepared to take the next steps towards my chosen career. Springwood has been instrumental in shaping my path, and I am excited to embrace the future with enthusiasm and determination. GEORGE - HEAD STUDENT Our teachers consistently go above and beyond for us, pushing us to reach our own goals whilst allowing us the agency to explore our future destinations, whether that be university or the world of work. The staff of our Sixth Form work beyond the requirements of a teacher. Although subjects like history can be tough at times, they are taught in such an engaging way that there is never a dull moment. MERISSA - HEAD STUDENT KASHA - HEAD STUDENT The sixth-form team places priority on providing opportunities beyond the classroom: mentoring schemes provide tailored support for university and apprenticeship applications; a purposeful careers programme promotes work experience at places like JP Morgan. There is even the opportunity to travel abroad and volunteer abroad in Cambodia, Thailand and Peru. Springwood Sixth Form truly opens many doors.


Springwood Sixth Form, Queensway, King's Lynn Norfolk, PE30 4AW 01553 779407 sixthformoffice@springwoodhighschool.co.uk GET IN TOUCH