02 HEADTEACHER’S WELCOME It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Springwood High School. I am very proud to be only the third Headteacher to have led the school since its opening in 1979. happy students working hard. We have high standards and our students respond well to our challenge and support. and that you will come and visit us. I look forward tomeeting you soon. THE SCHOOL HAS A CLEAR VISION, BASED ON FOUR KEY PRINCIPLES: Outstanding teaching and learning MR ANDREW JOHNSON Executive Headteacher
03 MEET OUR SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM MR NICKWILLS MR RICHARD THOMPSON MR JAMIE WARNER-LYNN I attended Springwood High School and Sixth Form as a student during the late 1980’s and returned to teach at the school in 2011. My early career was spent teaching Science at Springwood including A Level Chemistry & Physics and since then, I have had a multitude of roles. In recent years, I have led on Science across the West Norfolk Academies Trust and been part of the local leadership term at Springwood. Key parts of my role as Deputy Headteacher include leading on Key Stage 4, Quality Assurance and strategic development planning. Springwood has been my school of choice for both my children and I am very proud that so many of our staff also choose Springwood for their children. I feel incredibly fortunate to work in such an amazing environment, surrounded by friendly, respectful and hard-working students and supported by committed, dedicated and passionate staff.
When it comes to being polite like to keep things simple and everyone to use their STEPS OUR SCHOOL ETHOS developing the whole child. We are committed to ensuring that every AMBITIOUS ARTICULATE Able to communicate and adults alike in a MOTIVATED Determined and enthusiastic to achieve BRAVE themselves INDEPENDENT own success THOUGHTFUL INQUISITIVE Curious to learn ORGANISED their own time UNSTOPPABLE Resilient to the challenges they encounter SERIOUS potential SIR OR MISS Everytime THANK YOU Everytime EXCUSE ME Everytime PLEASE Everytime SMILE Everytime
05 competitions. Our students have consistently excelled in regional and opportunity to compete with other students in the area.
OUTSTANDING TEACHING ANDLEARNING and we have worked tirelessly to highly educational. We also like to take every opportunity to celebrate and success.
07 with individual advice and guidance to help decide on their GCSE courses. Physical Education and Religious Education.
TRACEY HONEY MAXIMISING LEE EVESON have an exhibition touring around London and six European capitals. School. You will get the opportunity at Springwood to go on national rounded and dynamic students. I started teaching at Springwood High School in 1995 as a newly qualified teacher of Physical Education and I am now Head of Sport and PE. During the last 29 years I have seen the school grow and transform into the wonderful school it is today. It has been Springwood’s extensive opportunities, both inside and outside the curriculum, coupled with the strong academic outcomes that consolidated my decision to send my two children to Springwood when they reached secondary school age. My son, now at university, studied for both his GCSEs and A Levels at Springwood, whilst my daughter, currently in Year 11, has immersed herself into school life, both academically and through her sporting involvement. As a parent, I have had the pleasure to hear my children talk about their school day, about the dedicated teachers that continue to make learning fun and who work incredibly hard to make this school a safe place for all.
09 EMMA MARKWELL This September will mark my tenth anniversary working at Springwood High School. I love the variety in my role as a GCSE BEN COOTE extremely passionate about teaching maths and still love learning enjoy helping all students learn new maths skills and hope that my passion helps to motivate students to learn and appreciate the logically and really helps to develop your problem solving skills. curricular events. has been a brilliant place to learn and also an excellent place to
10 Working alongside our support network. and Mrs Rosanna our Designated They ensure that all someone they can talk to. Every year group has a dedicated with the year group throughout their Springwood journey. with additional pastoral support whenever the need arises. team work tirelessly to ensure Miss Niki Smith
11 education and apprenticeships. Students also have access to Careers Advisor. the majority choosing A Level courses. courses in our onsite salon which is open related to the Construction Industry. FOR FURTHER DETAILS ON OUR KEY STAGE 5 COURSES, PLEASE SEE OUR SPRINGWOOD SIXTH FORM PROSPECTUS ALONGWITH INFORMATION ON HOW TO APPLY.
12 MAXIMISING students to get involved in everything EVERY YEAR 7 STUDENT IS SET THE CHALLENGE TO BE A HERO. TOP MARKS IN THIS CHALLENGE MAKES YOU A SUPER HERO! A Attendance H House Contribution E R Reading O Organisation We embed this expectation into our Personal Development programmes that every student participates in.
13 Every Springwood student has the opportunity to take Award Scheme. All Year 9 encouraged to continue onto higher awards. We want our students to take the lead wherever possible and pride watching them grow into these roles and change their having access to a wide range
15 ACCESS TO WORLDCLASS RESOURCES our ongoing programme improvement. These are developments.